Thursday, February 23, 2017

New Iron Dome Interceptor tested successfully

Tamir interceptor, whose components are produced in a joint Israeli-American venture, is tested as part of the anti-rocket system's ongoing upgrade, Defense Ministry says • "This significantly enhances Israel's air defenses," official says.
Lilach Shoval

The Iron Dome defense system in action [Illustrative]

| Photo credit: AP

A new interceptor developed for the Iron Dome defense system has been successfully tested recently, the Defense Ministry said Wednesday. The routine tests is part of the anti-rocket system's ongoing developments and upgrade, the ministry said.

The tests were held by the Defense Ministry's Homa Directorate, which oversees the development of missile defenses, and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, which develops the interceptor, named Tamir.

The Tamir interceptor includes components developed as part of a joint Israeli-American project.

The joint venture is part of a manufacturing deal signed between Israel and the U.S. in 2014. The U.S. Missile Defense Agency and American defense contractor Raytheon are involved in the development of Iron Dome's components.

Iron Dome, designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells, is part of Israel's four-tiered air defenses, which also include the David's Sling system, which counters medium-to-long-range rockets and missiles, the Arrow 2 short- and medium-range ballistic missile interceptor, and the Arrow 3 long-range missile interceptor, which is in the last leg of its development.

Homa Director Moshe Patel said, "We've successfully completed a series of complex tests. ... Together with David's Sling, this significantly enhances Israel's air defenses against short- and midrange missiles."

In January, the Israeli Air Force successfully tested the David's Sling missile defense system.

The test included a series of interception scenarios during which the system's radar and command and control abilities were put into action. IAF personnel assigned to the future David's Sling Unit participated in the test as part of their training.

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