Monday, May 9, 2016

Historical Connection between Amin al-Husseini and the 1924 edition of Temple Mount Guide

March 26, 2010
Haj Amin al-Husseini & 1924 Temple Mount Guide

  • President of the Supreme Muslim Council (1922-1937)
  • Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (1921-1948)
Amin al-Husseini (1895 – 1974) was the president of the Supreme Muslim Council (1922–1937) when the al-Haram al-Sharif Temple Mount Guide was first published in 1924.

The same material was printed in every Temple Mount Guide from 1922 (first edition) until 1953. In 1954 everything was revised, with information about Herod’s Temple replacing information about Solomon’s Temple.
  • The Temple Mount Guide (A Brief Guide to al-Haram al-Sharif) was published by the Supreme Muslim Council (SMC).
  • Amin al-Husseini was the president of the SMC at the time.
  • If you were a visitor to Jerusalem during that era, you may have purchased this informational Guide as a souvenir of your trip. The upper left-hand corner of the back cover of the Guide would have been marked with the official Supreme Muslim Council stamp and then torn off for the SMC’s internal accounting purposes.
Let’s learn more about al-Husseini (Hussayni, Husayni).

Amin al-Husseini
The British (against the local Muslim vote) appointed Amin al-Husseini as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in 1921. In 1922 Amin al Husseini implemented restoration of Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. He had the Dome gold-plated for the first time.  Thereafter, Jerusalem takes on more importance as Holy Muslim site in the eyes of the Arab World.
In 1933, within weeks of Hitler’s rise to power in Germany, al-Husseini contacted the German counsul-general in the British Mandate of Palestine offering his services.
Al-Husseini’s offer was rejected at first out of concern for disrupting Anglo-German relations by allying with an anti-British leader.
By 1938, Anglo-German relations were no longer a concern. al-Husseini’s offer was accepted. al-Husseini links to the Nazi regime were very close. From Berlin, al-Husseini played a significant role in inter-Arab politics.
In 1941 Amin al-Husseini met with Adolf Hitler in Berlin and was active in the decision to exterminate all Jews through the infamous Final Solution. Amin Al Husseini created the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he called ‘the cream of Islam’ —  becoming the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men).
In 1946 Egyptian-born Yasser Arafat (real name before he changed it: Mohammed Abder Rauf Arafat al-Kudwa al-Husseini) met Amin al-Husseini (allegedly Arafat’s great-uncle) at age 17 and started to work for him. Amin al-Husseini placed Yasser Arafat in charge of arms procurement and shipment for the Mufti’s Irregular Forces:  “The Holy Strugglers.” In 1974 Amin al-Husseini died in Syria, leaving a legacy of terror, which continues to this day.
More Historical Background

Amin Al-Husseini, the Islamic Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, in Yugoslavia visiting German army Bosnian Waffen-SS volunteers in January 1944. The Hanzar (also spelled Hansar, Handjar, or Hanjar, meaning “saber”) Division was trained and armed as a mountain formation — the largest SS Division raised by the Nazis. The photo and article appeared in Minsker Zeitung (Minsk Newspaper), a weekly German paper in Occupied “White Russia,” published on January 26, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini (pictured to right) was one of the more revered allies of Hitler and the Third Reich.

13th Waffen-SS Handzar Division flag emblem

Recently we acquired a 1947 German first edition copy of Simon Wiesenthal’s book, “GrossMufti — GrossAgent der Achse.” (Head Mufti: Agent of the Axis).
Wiesenthal was a Holocaust survivor who dedicated the rest of his life to capturing escaped Nazis war criminals. What’s amazing is that Simon Wiesenthal published this book less than two years after he was nigh unto death, weighing just over 100 pounds in a Nazis prison camp — released on May 5th, 1945. To add insult to injury, after Wiesenthal’s release he was almost beaten to death by a malicious Polish clerk in Mauthausen.
This 66-page book needs to be translated into English and re-published, with an updated forward that connects his historical activity with current events. Perhaps this could be an important follow-up to the Temple Mount Guide, connecting the Guide with the President of the Supreme Muslim Council. Anyone willing to translate about 50+ pages to help spread the truth?
Review the full German edition (with 22 pictures) online:

World War II
Muslim Soldiers reading German Propaganda
Muslim Soldiers reading German Propaganda.
The name of the book is Islam Und Judentum
(Islam and Judaism 
in German)
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini with one of his Nazi Muslim Troops – 1943 Hanzar SS Division.
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini meets Heinrich Himmler, Head of Nazi SS.
Amin Al Husseini spends WWII by Hitler's side
Amin Al Husseini spends WWII by Hitler’s side.
Amin Al Husseini inspecting Nazi Muslim troops
Amin Al Husseini inspecting Nazi Muslim troops – 1943
Nazi officer inspecting Muslim Bosnian SS troops
Nazi officer inspecting Muslim Bosnian SS troops.
Amin Al Husseini inspects his Muslim Nazi Hanzar troops
Amin Al Husseini inspects his Muslim Nazi Hanzar troops 1943
Amin Al Husseini
Nazi propaganda poster featuring Amin Al Husseini recruiting young Muslims.
Muslim soldiers
Muslim soldiers with hat showing Nazi insigna- WW II.
Bosnian Nazi Muslim Flag under Amin Al Husseini
Bosnian Nazi Muslim Flag under Amin Al Husseini – 1943
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini in Berlin during World War II.
Amin Al Hussseini meets Croat Nazi A.Artukovic and M,Budak, planning Serbian genocide.
Amin Al Hussseini meets Croat Nazi A.Artukovic and M,Budak, planning Serbian genocide.
Amin Al Husseini inspecting his Nazi Muslim troops
Amin Al Husseini inspecting his Nazi Muslim troops- 1943
Amin Al Husseini
Bosnian Soldier posting picture of Amin Al Husseini – 1943
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini at Nazi meeting in Berlin
during WW II.
Amin Al Husseini
Muslim Nazi troops in traditional Muslim prayer -1943
Amin Al Husseini
Muslim Nazi troops in traditional Muslim prayer -1943
Amin Al HusseiniAmin Al HusseiniAmin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini
Head of SS Muslim Hanzar Division
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini
Head of SS Muslim Hanzar Division
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini
Head of SS Muslim Hanzar Division
Amin Al HusseiniAmin Al HusseiniAmin Al Husseini
Amin Al HusseiniAmin Al HusseiniAmin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini
Head of SS Muslim Hanzar Division
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini
Head of SS Muslim Hanzar Division
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al Husseini
Head of SS Muslim Hanzar Division
Amin Al Husseini
Amin Al-Husseini Reviewing troops
Important Historical Background

Brief video clip about Amin al-Husseini — 1:23

Another brief video clip about Amin Al-Husseini — 3:28
13th Waffen-SS Handzar
Division flag emblem
Amin Al-Husseini, the Islamic Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, in Yugoslavia visiting German army Bosnian Waffen-SS volunteers in January 1944. TheHandzar (also spelled Hansar, Handjar, or Hanjar, meaning “saber”) Division was trained and armed as a mountain formation — the largest SS Division raised by the Nazis.
The photo and article appeared in, Minsker Zeitung (Minsk Newspaper), a weekly German paper in Occupied “White Russia,”published on January 26, 1944. Amin Al-Husseini (pictured above) was one of the more revered allies of Hitler and the Third Reich.
The Minsker Zeitung was published from April 15, 1942 to June 28, 1944 and had a network of correspondents who covered the situation on the fronts of WWII, events in the world and happenings in the Third Reich.

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