Thursday, March 9, 2017

Words All Jewish Kids Grew Up Hearing The Jewish vernacular.

1. Verklempt

Definition: when you have no words because you are filled with much emotion
Sentence: Your grandma was verklempt after seeing you in your bar/bat mitzvah attire.

2. Schpilkes

Definition: when one is overwhelmed and/or nervous 
Sentence: She has schpilkes before going up to read the torah in front of the congregation.

3. Oy Gevalt

Definition: the act of being stunned by something you hear
Sentence: "OY GEVALT" she cried out once she heard how much the party would cost.

4. Shmutz

Definition: dirt or stain on ones face, body or clothing 
Sentence: She wiped the piece of shmutz off her daughter with a wet paper towel.

5. Fakakta

Definition: something silly or ridiculous 
Sentence: Grandma Rosalie didn't like the fakakta rap music that was playing at the wedding.

6. Shana Punum

Definition:  endearing term, from grandma to grandkids
Sentence: "Bubbala, can you fetch me my reading glasses" yelled grandma Judy.

7. Shana Punum

Definition: beautiful face
Sentence: Aunt Shirley pinched her cheeks and exclaimed "What a Shana Punum!!"

8. Mishpucha

Definition: you are extended family
Sentence: Matthew was basically mishpucha for he went to all of his best friends family events.

9. Shiksa

Definition: non-Jewish girl
Sentence: His mother almost fainted when she heard her son was dating a shiksa.

10. Plotz

Definition: to freak out with excitement 
Sentence: I could plotz from the beautiful view of the mountains.

11. Schtick

Definition: a persons actions or act
Sentence: The magician’s schtick was sawing a women in half.

12. Spiel

Definition: a long and detailed story, speech, or plot
Sentence: He asked her for the whole spiel on the fight between uncle Marvin and grandpa Murray.

13. Tchatchke

Definition: a toy or an item 
Sentence: Stacey has so many tchatchkes in the house there is hardly room for the family.

14. Tuches

Definition: ones rear end
Sentence: "Don't you talk back to me young lady, I wiped your tuches" her mother yelled.

15. Nosh

Definition: a snack before, after or with a meal or when  grandma wants to stuff food in your face
Sentence: “What can we nosh on today? How about some cookies!” said grandma Rita.

16. Chutzpah

Definition: courage and/or bravery 
Sentence: Stewart had a lot of chutzpah for standing up to his older brother Kevin.

17. Kvetshed

Definition: to complain or whine about something
Sentence: Trevor kvetshed because he didn’t want to go to temple.

18. Shlep

Definition: to drag someone unwillingly along 
Sentence: Jodi was tired of shleping her son on his earns.

19. Mench

Definition: a hero or a person who does good deeds
Sentence: Andrew was a mench for helping the old women cross the street.

20. Mazel Tov

Definition: good luck
Sentence: She wished her nephew and his wife Mazel Tov on the birth of their first child.

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