Saturday, July 30, 2016

Losers on Linkedin Reply

Losers on Linkedin is a troll blog that was written by Michael Draper  a wanna be Steven Spielberg Script Writer with assistance  from Sharon Weshler . The blog is absurdly very, very long , much of it incomprehensible, incredulous & unedited.Draper was repeatedly turned down by AK European Investments, part of European Investment Group for finance for one of his movie projects. .

The Blog has a very high Google Ranking as it is piggy backing on Stephen Darori's Linkedin Account Ranking and also his name recognition and branding as both Stephen Darori ( in Israel) & Stephen Drus ( out of Israel) .

Between Sep 2009 and June 2016 , the two posts in this blog have, following legal representation to Google, been removed 26 times only to have the posts reblogged almost immediately. Currently one of the Blogs has been removed by Google with the message " In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed this post. If you wish, you may read more about the request at" . Google is pursuing legal action against Draper & Weshler,
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Weshler been questioned under caution, by  Israel's  Cyber & Serious Crimes Division , 6 times. Draper was first questioned in Dec 2009 in South Africa  & signed an affidavit that Weshler provided the Israeli  fantasy content of the Blog. Weshler has on more than one occasion hired a PI for lengthy periods of time to follow and photograph me  and childishly and gloatingly sent me  by email  scanned  documents his PI's obtained illegally from Israeli Government Databases. These have been given to the Police and they are pursuing criminal action against the PI and Weshler . Weshler  has repeatedly harassed my immediate family by phone.including my ex-wife who has lodged 3 police complaints against Weshler.Weshler does not deny hiring a PI..

I do  not have a Phd from Wits University & have  been on Wits Campus  for PFP, NUSAS and AIESEC  Conferences & Seminars,only. I do not believe there is such a thing as a Phd in Transfer Pricing andywhere in the world and no such degree has ever been awarded  by any South African University. .

I was born , raised and educated in Cape Town ( see, Class of 74) &  the language of Apartheid , Afrikaans fluently. It was a compulsory school subject in most "white" schools until 1994. Afrikaans is a central theme of the posts.

So Draper's issue with me was that he failed to secure finance for a movie script he wrote  from European Investments that did invest in alternative investments that did include movies. I have all the European Investment correspondence with Draper . So does the South African, Israeli and Canadian Cybercrimes Unit Police.

Weshler , who is best described as an o childish, narcissistic arrogant twit issue who has used Linkedin to hide the fact that the number of jobs he has had ( and been fired from) is equivalent to the WC need of a bad case of diarrhea  . A full list is available from me ( it was compiled following investigation by the Israeli cyber police).So what is Weshler's beef with me.... well Weshler's nativity has frequently caused horrific character judgement.... ( print screens are available for everything)....
He promoted a Scammore than once ( although did not initiate them) example was a website that maintained thatthey had found precious metals in the "Zubelun "Area. Where is Zubelun? The territory Zebulun was allocated was at the southern end of the Galilee, with its eastern border being the Sea of Galilee, the western border being the Mediterranean Sea, the south being bordered by the Tribe of Issachar, and the north by Asher on the western side and Naphtali on the eastern . The website maintained that de Beers Mining company had endorsed it and reports were available that the area was rich with Gold, Diamonds, Platinum, Uranium and a list that went on and on. .... I engaged weshler and said the website that was looking for huge amounts of finance was fake and a scam . weshler continued to post his 'recommendation'' in a zillion groups time and time again.\

But promting scams isn't what  started his journey to become a key Nemesis  of mine. In figure of speech Nemisis is an Antonomasia.  In rhetoricantonomasia is a kind of metonymy in which an epithet or phrase takes the place of a proper name, such as "the little corporal" for Napoleon I. Conversely, antonomasia can also be using a proper name as an archetypal name, to express a generic idea.Examples are Quisling ( traitor) , Solomon ( wise person) , Trump ( a bombastic, racist, sexist , purile autocrat), Moshes ( leader of nations),.... a Weshler   ( twit full of deception and narcissism)

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