Monday, August 15, 2016

Clinton/ Caine leads Trump / Pence 362 to 176 ..... may Donny T's Narcissistic Brain and Runaway Mouth continue to disconnect

Clinton/ Caine leads Trump / Pence 362 to 176 ..... may Donny T's Narcissistic Brain and Runaway Mouth continue to disconnect

There once was a man from Trump Palace
Whose balls were made out of brass.
When they clanged together,
They played God Save Hillary the Queen and Stormy Weather,
And lightning shot out of his ass.

( A quick from the Bard of Bat Yam, Poet Laureate of Zion)

Real Clear Politics Electoral College Map

362Clinton/Kaine      176 Trump/ Pense 
362 Dem*176 GOP
270 Electoral Votes Needed To Win 

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